T H E   D E J A C Q U E S   S T O R Y

All products are the inventions of Douglas Jaquith, an American of French extraction, who has lived in France. He always retained his strong affection for France, where he discovered his ancestral name of deJacques and took it as his trademark.

D e J a c q u e s   M u s i c a l   A c c e s s o r i e s

was established in 1963, and Jaquith introduced his first invention, the deJacques Self Adjusting Bridges. Other inventions followed, and some have yet to be introduced.

Three original inventions are now on the market: deJacques Bridges, Pegs and neck straps for saxophone and bassoon. All three products are manufactured in the United States, using updated materials and techniques (early model bridges were made in France).

Jaquith was a serious musician. The production of all musical sounds intrigued him, and creating ways to correct or improve upon the design and function of an instrument or part became a lifetime passion.


A B O U T   U S

Ownership of DEJACQUES remains in the Jaquith family - all musicians - dedicated to bringing superior products to the musical public worldwide.




T o   B E   I N T R O D U C E D

  1. Mouthpiece with adjustable facing that changes the angle of the reed, which, in turn, causes changes in tone quality, playability and reed performance.

  2. Oiler: A small item containing a reservoir with oil that fits on parts of wooden instruments. Part absorbs the amount of oil it needs (to prevent drying or cracking) via osmosis through the end grain.
  3. Key retracting device: Could be an "After Market" product or utilized in manufacturing.

Preliminary work: Prototypes, detailed descriptions, engineering drawings.




DeJacques products are made in the United States by