Standard Shipping: $16.70 for USA Priority Mail
International Orders: ($29.70 U.S. for Standard International First Class)
Please select and customize your strap here.
Standard Model: $129.90
Comfort Model (wider strap): $133.90
Standard shipping: $16.70 for USA priority mail.
International Shipping: $29.70 U.S. for Standard International First Class
DEJACQUES DEVELOPED A SOPRANO SAXOPHONE STRAP in response to a request by Greg Banaszak, American saxophonist (alto & soprano / Classical and Jazz).
Prior to this, Banaszak — and most soprano players — did not use a strap. Currently, soprano strap use is increasing.
I first approached DeJacques prior to having a string of orchestral engagements performing the Alan Hovhaness concerto by Alan Hovhaness with Maestro Gerard Schwartz.
I wanted to feel the positive relationship I had with my alto and tenor saxophones using the DeJacques strap.
The subtleties involved in designing the strap is no less than perfection for me, where the mechanism and position of the soprano saxophone feels like you're truly "one" with the instrument.
Greg Banaszak
This special pricing is to acquaint players with our soprano straps: 2 lengths, accommodating both STRAIGHT and CURVED instruments.
Please select and customize your strap here.
$99.90 plus $16.70 for USA priority mail.
International Orders: $99.90 plus $29.70 U.S. for Standard International First Class